Friday, April 4, 2008

Experiment 1: Losing the Places we Love

Here's my first film piece. If I weren't already 23, I'd say mum should keep it for my 21st.

It's a review of my research on machinima to date, and a statement about my "distinctive theory on architecture". Really, if you read some previous posts on my blog you should get what it's on about. That is, machinima culture and nostalgia.

The first part is a machinima composition of my own, appropriating/juxtaposing audio from Tales of the Past III and graphics from Heroes of Might and Magic III. The second part is an adaptation of's Inside the World of Warcraft episode, addressing the machinima community's reaction to the actual Tales of the Past III "movie". Male Restroom Etiquitte became the main framework for addressing nostalgia in a humorous way, and I've threaded sections of it throughout my work too. Red vs Blue also helped me get a handle on the humorous aspect of "serious" machinima, and I used some audio from the Going Global episode.

I read a very revealing comment about Tales of the Past III, drawing attention to its striking resemblance to Lord of the Rings. None of the key elements of these clips are new to the world; TotP III just shows how serious people can get about games. Seriously.

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